Article Writing Homework Help

Watch this short video (Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem) to help you think about this week’s discussion: Start your discussion by responding to these questions: Introduce yourself to your profess

Watch this short video (Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem) to help you think about this week’s discussion:

Start your discussion by responding to these questions:

  • Introduce yourself to your professor and peers. Tell your classmates about the career you are in or for which you’re preparing.
  • Describe a scarcity problem involving natural resources, time, or employees. What was scarce? Why was it scarce? Remember, it probably involved a tradeoff.

Continue the conversation with your peers:

  • Read one of your peer’s scarcity problems and provide an additional idea for a system to help solve their problem.

For more information, see my video on Scarcity:

Click here to watch the videoReply Email Author

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