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Complete 11 pages APA formatted article: Farmoz. Crop protection products are basically used by the farmers to protect the crops from insects and other harmful diseases and unwanted weeds as well. The

Complete 11 pages APA formatted article: Farmoz. Crop protection products are basically used by the farmers to protect the crops from insects and other harmful diseases and unwanted weeds as well. There are basically three kinds of categories, i.e. herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Notably, the crop production yield in Australia increases by almost 40% each year as a result of the usage of effective crop protection products (Crop Life, 2008).

The company has a wide range of chemical products covering all three categories of crop protection products. For example, the company has Avalon Flowable, Ametrix 800, and Amigan WG as herbicides. and Alpha-Scud Elite, Amitraz Elite, Aphidex WG as insecticides. A few fungicides produced by the company are Aurora 250 EC, Aurora Turf, Axiom Plus and many more (Farmoz, 2010).

Apart from crop protection chemicals the company also produces spraying tools with the characteristics to assist the end-users to measure the quantity. The tools also help to measure conversion in terms of distance, area, volume, and weight (Farmoz, 2010).

The company productions are targeted to serve the end-users both in the local and the export market of Australia. However, the distribution of the product takes place through local resellers in rural areas. The targeted market of the product comprises of the rural farmers, who can be termed as the ultimate customers of the company (Farmoz, 2010).

However, to be mentioned this plan as proposed is particularly targeted to the wheat producers in the rural hemisphere of Australia, eradicating the resellers in the market. A major reason to focus on this particular segment is that wheat is considered to be one of the most important crops in the economy and also because the production is expected to increase by 22.4 million metric tons in the next fiscal year (Brindal, 2010).

The image represented above depicts the major wheat-producing regions of the country. To be stated, the key areas of wheat manufacturing are Western Australia, South Australia, and New South Wales.&nbsp.

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