Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on visitor attractions in the city of cambridge.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on visitor attractions in the city of cambridge. Therefore, the discussion of this study highly focuses on evaluating the visitor attractions of the City of Cambridge and assessing their importance to the local, regional and national economy.

The visitor attractions or the tourist places within Cambridge have long been experienced to fascinate the attention of the global population. The abundance of wide-ranging attractive locations and visiting places has been recognized to significantly provide extensive support to ensure the economic stability of the city and the nation as well. According to statistical data, the visitor attractions of Cambridge annually generate £351 million along with employing more than 6,500 staff thereby aiding the local economy (Cambridge City Council, 2014). In this regard, a wide range of cultural venues and attractions, educational attractions along with natural attractions and sports and entertainment attractions within the city has been identified to contribute towards a large and prosperous growth of the local and national economy (Visit Cambridge, 2014). The following discussion of the essay would provide a critical evaluation of the range of attractions within the City of Cambridge that not only increases the economic position of the city but also facilitates to transform the national economy of the UK.

Cambridge has been considered as one of the major historic destinations in the United Kingdom attracting more than 3 million visitors from different geographical locations each calendar year (Cambridge City Council, 2014). The cultural attractions and the available open spaces are often recognized to draw a number of global visitors to the local community which in turn facilitates improving the economic condition of the city (Cambridge City Council, 2014). The following section illustrates a few of the most attractive resources that act as a tourist or visitor attraction.

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