Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses using cell phones while driving. Driver attention is affected by cell phone usage. In a 2002 study done by Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, empirical eviden

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses using cell phones while driving. Driver attention is affected by cell phone usage. In a 2002 study done by Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, empirical evidence supports that young adults using cell phones while driving are comparable in attention span to sleepy senior citizens over 70. Their reaction time to brake lights, as well as their reacceleration time, was a major cause of traffic congestion and snarls. The attention spans were compared as well with drunken drivers having blood alcohol levels of 0.08. this was in the drivers with hands-free sets. The distraction of conversation prevents them from processing what they see. Their driving impairment involved whole seconds of time, not just fractions of seconds. therefore causing them to precede several car lengths before stopping. The slightly older group, 18-25, had less difficulty. they were compared to adults 65-74. Driving distractions such as answering a call had greater affect when drivers were changing lanes or exiting a freeway. Traffic fatalities are also the leading cause of death for teens.

According to 2006, Harris Interactive online survey, seniors were the least likely to talk on a cell phone and drive. only 48%. The group next least likely to follow this practice is the boomers, age 42 – 60, at 76%. Generation Xers, at ages 30-41 are next in line at 79%, with the youngest adults, ages 18-29, at the greatest risk of 86%. More than half admit that it is a dangerous practice. There are eight states that prohibit all drivers from using hand-held cell phones.

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