Article Writing Homework Help

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Organizing an Adventure Sports Festival. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Organizing an Adventure Sports Festival. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The key benefit of the festival is expected to be leveraged by the location of the festival i.e. Newcastle in terms of augmenting visitors from across the globe who love to indulge in adventure sports. This in turn would also benefit the stakeholders such as water sports clubs and training centers to generate greater business and awareness. The potential impact of the festival is estimated to be long-lasting and the true benefits would be leveraged in the years to come with the increase in tourists and augmenting business for tourism visitors.

The main objective of this feasibility report is majorly focused on creating a plan for organizing an adventure sports festival within the area of Newcastle, Australia. The reason for choosing this area for this event is due to the fact that this area has been housing multiple sporting events since the past few decades and is also the second leading populated area in the state of New South Wales, Australia. The area of Newcastle, Australia has also drawn a number of adventure sports lovers over the years due to the availability of different facilities and locations for such events. Correspondingly, the detailed description of the proposed adventure sports festival has been articulated. The report primarily contains the event concept articulating the adventure sporting events that would be entailed in the festival, a brief description along with the rationale of the event structure, risk assessment, stakeholder management plan, marketing & promotional strategies, an evaluation of the potential impact of the planned adventure sports festival and an estimated budget for the festival.

In terms of drawing feasibility of the event, it has to be kept into consideration that the duration of the planned adventure sports festival will be kept confined to only 2 days and will be conducted through the support of the local council of that area.&nbsp.

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