Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on imagination and the aesthetic appreciation of nature.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on imagination and the aesthetic appreciation of nature. What follows is a brief synopsis of these opinions, some supported by this author, while others are not.

John Berger’s ‘Steps Toward a Small Theory of the Visible’ analyzes the way every individual perceives things in the real world. In his essay, Berger identifies a consequential displacement in today’s society, especially the art world, between the existence and the manner in which they appear. Currently, the world is going through a period of rapid technological advancement, and Berger has made use of these innovations as a determining factor in separating the way in which particular things appear and exist in the modern world. In addition, this same technology has transformed the modes of communication that we have come to rely upon. According to Berger, the cultural aspect that is based on this idea has changed the rate by which we receive and perceive images. He states, “this produces in the spectator, not, as claimed, a sense of freedom but a profound isolation” (107). Consequently, he postulates that there is a high degradation of products due to the increasing demand for visual representations. Where we used to see a masterpiece a century ago, today we only see a mere painting.

Throughout his writing, Berger expresses a fear of human ignorance that he believes in dominates society today. Berger states that, despite the willingness and need to look at things, few people show enough interest and concern as to what is really happening in the world. It is for this reason that Berger asserts that the system has been used expansively to give an appearance of instability. In his view, it is possible to have an image independently manufactured when such a product is in direct contact with the original source. I appreciate how Berger presents his ideas about appearance.

Although I do not agree with him on some points, I believe that his work produces certain anxiety concerning the duty that representation plays in aiding the understanding of the likeness of an object. This is to the extent that the viewer of the object fails to get the truth since they do not keenly understand what they are looking at. In a personal opinion regarding Berger’s representation, viewers seem to have “masks” of life to a point that they do not seem to know what possesses much of their life.

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