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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses assessment and evaluation in the instructional design process.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses assessment and evaluation in the instructional design process. Assessment denotes the ways used in measuring and documenting students’ learning progress and their acquisition of the skills taught at different levels of education. This happens through the collection and interpretation of information about students’ skills and capabilities. On the other hand, evaluation refers to the collection of information about a learning process, the outcomes, context, methods, and content of educational activity. Whereas it implies measurement, evaluation is different from assessment because it draws explanations and conclusions (Stiggins, 2002).

The assessment helps identify what students know and expresses their understanding of certain concepts. Much of what children get right are the things that they have understood well and much of what they fail is the ones they have not yet internalized. Teachers use assessments to determine the special needs of different students. This is seen in the areas in which every student excels and the ones in which they are weak. Teachers use assessment to decide on how to implement learning activities. They discard the methods of implementation that do not work and adopt ones that work. Through assessment, teachers are able to craft lessons, activity plans, goals, and pick appropriate materials for teaching different concepts (Wininger, 2005).

Evaluation, on the other hand, enhances learning by providing new learning opportunities and additional knowledge. This draws from the reflective praxis of the actions involved in the evaluation process and that allows involved actors to arrive at their own conclusions. Another purpose of evaluation is to instigate change and make improvements. This follows the detection of the weaknesses or failures of a program.

An evaluation can be carried out with the purpose of informing better planning. This is because it provides insight into the things that need to be avoided or included in order to realize better results. Finally, evaluation helps rate the extent to which a program meets its set objectives (Osana & Seymour, 2004).

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