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Complete 11 pages APA formatted article: Italian Neorealism. The neorealism age of Italian cinema when neorealism got the theoretical platform, filmmakers from all over the world were subjected to a m

Complete 11 pages APA formatted article: Italian Neorealism. The neorealism age of Italian cinema when neorealism got the theoretical platform, filmmakers from all over the world were subjected to a major concern. This concern was that filmmakers were searching for ways in which social issues in their real form can be portrayed through movies, and this paved the way for neorealist cinema. However, this genre of neorealism was not restricted only to the art of filmmaking. Neorealism was born from literary styles of the West like “naturalism, realism, and, most importantly, Italian verismo” (Ruberto & Wilson, 3) – all of which depicted the stark realities of life in a kind of detached, scientific mode of narration. Italian neorealism’s most significant legacy is its narrative construction which is often improvised based on real locations, as opposed to a pre-structured script in Hollywood movies.

The first thing that can be observed in neorealist films is the lack of a bound script well prepared in advance. Such scripts are replaced with the loose structure in which scenes evolve gradually depending on the available resources, situation and the real locations where such films are shot. There is actually a lack of ‘stories’ in general as can be seen in Vittorio de Sica’s The Bicycle Thief where the film does not end in the conventional manner. The problem that was addressed in the entire film, i.e. whether Antonio will be able to sustain his job after failing to find his stolen bicycle, was not solved towards the end. Indeed, it appears that neorealist films end only when all the possible solutions to a problem have been explored and exhausted. The narration style of neorealist films focuses not on bringing a concrete ending to the sequences shown in the entire film, but on keeping the end open so as to provide an opportunity to the audience to make their own interpretations.

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