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Write 12 pages thesis on the topic cubism and its impact on fine art photography.

Write 12 pages thesis on the topic cubism and its impact on fine art photography. The arts during the modern era were graced with the most momentous progress of civilizations, scientific and artistic impression, and innovations manifested in cubist design skyscrapers and urbanism. Cubism is a form of art that expressed disassembled forms of representation or the characterization of objects in painting or sculpture as if they were assemblages viewed from multiple dimensions and elevations. Cubism is thought to have been inspired by the mathematical advances of the fourth dimension and elements of relativity as expressed by the theory of relativity in physics (Beauchamp 285). Later developments of the art are characterized by a wide variety and formations which later branched out into distinct art forms with distinct social and political motivations and ramifications.

Pictorialism as art made it possible to portray realism through a distorted and optimized social lens for the public which aided the tremendous social and economic transition brought about by both enlightenment and industrial progress. Critics of photography never accepted the notion of simply freezing moments without giving them an artistic treat. Cubism on the same account also brought about the systematic and critical medium for the transition through the era of modernism by initiating the element of artistic communication through a valid method of mystery and heuristic materialism in imagery.

The most influential contributors to the cubist art are Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso. These pioneers and others in the art movement inspired great social movements in architecture, music, and literature. Nevertheless, cubism consisted primarily in a form of reductionism of images into segments of simple geometrical shapes and forms. Although the natural forms were retained in the overall view, it only emerged on the whole artwork through a binocular vision perspective. These were basic shapes of spheres, cylinders, and cones. The overall effect was revolutionary and the images gave a representation of four-dimensional objects.

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