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Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses transcript of therapy session. Patient: I don’t know!&nbsp. I’m scared to leave him.&nbsp. I’ve been with him since I was 16!&nbsp. That’s seven

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses transcript of therapy session. Patient: I don’t know!&nbsp. I’m scared to leave him.&nbsp. I’ve been with him since I was 16!&nbsp. That’s seven years!&nbsp. I don’t know what I would do without him!&nbsp.

Therapist: Do you love him?

Patient: I don’t know!&nbsp. I used to, but now I think I’m with him just because I’m too scared to leave him.&nbsp.

Therapist: What are you afraid of?

Patient: Being alone, having to make it on my own.&nbsp. What if I can’t do it?&nbsp.

Therapist: You’ve never been on your own before, and it’s natural to feel apprehensive.&nbsp. Everyone feels this way at first, but we all get over it, and so will you.&nbsp. You’re a smart young woman, and you will be just fine.&nbsp. You can make it on your own.&nbsp.

Patient: I don’t know if I can.&nbsp. We’ve been together for so long…

Therapist: It will seem difficult at first like all changes do, but you will begin to feel like things are getting easier day by day.&nbsp. And you don’t have to make such a big decision right this minute.&nbsp. We’re just talking right now so you can get a handle on what you’re feeling, OK?&nbsp.

Patient: OK.

Therapist: Let’s talk about the things you need.&nbsp. Do you think the two of you needed this break?&nbsp.&nbsp.

Patient: I don’t know. I guess so.&nbsp. We were fighting a whole lot, and I was feeling a bit smothered and taken for granted.&nbsp. Unappreciated.&nbsp. Maybe we did need a break.&nbsp.

Therapist: And have you been socializing during this break?&nbsp. You mentioned earlier that you haven’t been doing well in school in the past few days.&nbsp. Have you been interacting with your friends?&nbsp. Remember, I said that you need the support of your friends right now.

Patient: Talking to you about my problems is one thing because I know you won’t blab my business to everyone, but I don’t talk to people about my personal life.&nbsp.

Therapist: I can appreciate that, and you don’t have to tell people all your business to socialize with your friends.&nbsp. You don’t need to isolate yourself right now.&nbsp. Go to a movie or out to eat with some friends.&nbsp. It will do you good to be around supportive, encouraging people.&nbsp.

Patient: I don’t exactly feel like being around a bunch of happy people right now.&nbsp.

Therapist: I understand, but I still want you to spend some of your free time around your friends and focus on building positive, platonic relationships.&nbsp. Now let’s talk about what you want.&nbsp. We’ll start with something simple.&nbsp. Tell me what you want from your educational experience.&nbsp. Why did you decide to go back to school?&nbsp.

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