Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on childcare centers and child homes in houston.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on childcare centers and child homes in houston. Informative work is also an important task, as the department raises awareness among parents about standards of children care and upbringing. It can also supply with information about the facilities where children can receive all necessary services and the peculiarities of their treatment there.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services also deals with complaints regarding treatment of children in state childcare centers, homes, registered establishments for children, foster family centers, and emergency centers, a therapeutic establishment for children. The department investigates cases of children`s treatment violation and implements relevant measures. However, the scope of responsibilities and legal rights of the Department is limited. It does not intervene in-home cases, such as it does not investigate cases of parents` or nannies bad treatment of a child. The center is situated at Texas, Houston.

It is possible to become a director or higher more experienced person. The director is responsible for creating and implementing in life child care programs. He is also the one who manages and leads teachers in centers and homes. Directors of child care institutions are required:

There are also head teachers who help the director to perform his/her duties. Teachers may conduct lessons and be responsible for the groups of children. In such case they will be involved in planning children`s daily routine, performing daily tasks connected with children`s hygiene and caregiving. In general, teachers are required:

In most cases, nurses and assistants support teachers in their work. The can meet children` health and safety needs, be responsible for feeding and hygiene procedures. From the assistant it is also required:

To create a day care center in Texas it is necessary to register the Texas State`s Office. The building must meet several criteria to be approved.

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