Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Report Using Sociological Perspective. The earth is our planet. it’s where we live and where we have to live for the rest of our lives. The writer has not focus

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Report Using Sociological Perspective. The earth is our planet. it’s where we live and where we have to live for the rest of our lives. The writer has not focused on any one part of the world, in fact the writer has wrote a general view focusing on all the global issues that people may be able to relate to. Not every reader would be able to relate to every single problem but definitely the reader would relate to at least one of these problems. Keeping this in mind, the writer has written an account of all the issues that the world together faces.

These problems seem to be very important for this generation to be informed about. If they are not well informed, they will not be able to solve them. Some problems that this book has highlighted are the problems of population growth, overgrazing, deforestation and many others. For every reader who reads this book, there is a hidden message. The book serves for the people of the earth, and thus everyone should benefit from it. Population growth and overpopulation in most of the countries is a problem that creates massive issues in some parts of the world where there are fewer resources and less wealth (Rischard, 2003). The reader would realize how necessary it is to control population growth, and it can be done by their part.

There are many other problems highlighted that would give the general awareness to the people, and they would not even have to wait for public programs to solve these. It will be the efforts of the people of the earth alone. For example, deforestation is also a global issue which causes the people to suffer land and water erosion, expansion of unfertile and unproductive land eventually resulting in desertification. This would create a problem for them only since they have to suffer from unfertile lands and loss in food production.

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