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Provide a 10 pages analysis while answering the following question: Stereotypes Dominating the Movies Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and The Searchers. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines fo

Provide a 10 pages analysis while answering the following question: Stereotypes Dominating the Movies Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and The Searchers. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. &nbsp.Lorelei Lee is a character who purposely lives up to certain roles that are expected of her in order to get what she wants out of life, while most of the male characters also follow along with the roles that are expected of them, making them appear as though a beautiful woman can get them to spend any amount of money that the woman desires. The Searchers, on the other hand, explores racial issues that were present during the primitive years of the United States and still continue on to this day. In this film, Native Americans are portrayed in a manner that makes them seem lower socially because of their savage and violent behavior, along with their inability to conform to the European society that was present in the United States. Because of these cultural differences, racist attitudes began to develop during this time. These attitudes are explored over the course of this film, which the Native Americans fulfilling the stereotypes that have been placed upon them throughout it. Each of these films is able to effectively explore the stereotypes that were prevalent during both the time periods that these films depict, as well as in present-day society in the United States. By presenting these stereotypes throughout these films, however, the filmmakers take the risk of allowing for these stereotypes to continue through another generation. This is because the majority of the people who view these films will accept these stereotypes as being the truth, which can lead to certain values becoming a part of, and remaining a part of, contemporary society. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes makes it appear acceptable to be a gold-digger or a dumb blonde or a sex-crazed male, while The Searchers makes it seem acceptable to be racist against races that are deemed inferior by society. As with any stereotypes, these ideas take away from the value that is held by the truth and are negative for any society of which they become a part.

The film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, directed by Howard Hanks, explores the stereotypes that are present in both men and women and what it takes for each of them to make a relationship last.

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