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Need an research paper on contracting colonialism on the example of philippines. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on contracting colonialism on the example of philippines. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Translation of languages was a part of the politics which was used as a weapon to subdue the spirits and create misunderstanding amongst the native population. Spanish missionaries such as Francisco Blancas de San Jose engaged in the same task, but initially, their aim was to train more missionaries. Spanish scholar Nebrija writes that “Language is always the companion of the empire. therefore it follows that together they begin, grow, and flourish and together they fall” (3). The scheming missionaries wanted to control the language of the natives. They began with the creation of dictionaries with the hope that this will help them to preach the message of God. But many words, phrases, and ideas were untranslatable and as such the Filipinos were unable to understand, let alone grasp, what the missionaries were trying to articulate. Rafael argues, “When we try to understand the relationship between language and colonial politics, it helps to recall that the beginnings of the Spanish empire in the last decade of the fifteenth century coincided with the first attempt to install Castilian as the dominant language of the emergent Spanish state”.(23) But they failed in their attempt. Yet they tried to introduce Spanish phonetics to the Filipinos. In this endeavor, they partially succeeded. Such unscientific approach to the translation from one language to another for the propagation of the truth, was, in reality, the negation of truth, as their agenda was ill-conceived and motivated. Most of their interpretations were fictionalized and they were not operating at the level of truth. They were clever and they wanted accomplishments at any cost, by using all methods. Though they created dents in the cultural paradigm of the natives, they were unable to paralyze the system completely and did not succeed in greatly infiltrating&nbsp.the native consciousness to smother their identity.

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