Article Writing Homework Help

1st Topic: While chemicals can be hazardous, they also have benefits. In 300 to 500 words, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of chemicals. List a minimum of three classes of pesticides (and ins

1st Topic: While chemicals can be hazardous, they also have benefits. In 300 to 500 words, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of chemicals. List a minimum of three classes of pesticides (and insecticides) and discuss their health effects. Lastly, identify chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics and in cleaning and household products. How does this topic relate to your selected environmental health issue?

2nd Topic: Ionizing and nonionizing radiation share some similarities and major differences. In a minimum of 200 words, define and compare and contrast the different types of radiation and their health effects. How does this topic relate to your selected environmental health issue?

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