Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ethical Marketing. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ethical Marketing. It needs to be at least 1750 words. While positive aspects of this move have been seen, the ethical considerations form the major crux of the paper and help future marketers and advertisers to learn from these malpractices and seek new solutions to such problems.

There is a rich variety of criticisms that advertising has been facing. Critics often argue that even in its most basic form, advertising can never be free from ‘bad’. Considering the grammar, Apple Inc. says “Think Different” whereas the correct grammar suggests that it should be phrased as think differently.

On a more social note, as critics claim, advertising advocates stereotyping. It often categorizes society into various groups without a substantial rationale but on the basis of certain presumptions. A dark complexion colored girl always looks for fairness beauty/ cosmetic products, and a healthier person would always look for slimming products.

Another criticism lies in the argument that advertising generally ends up in selling a product or a service that would not otherwise qualify, as a requirement for the buyer. But the persuasion is an essential part of the business. Every organization has to be profitable to sustain the ever-growing competition. Now the question that remains to be answered is how important are the ethics in advertising?

Surrogate marketing (Kaynak 1996, p.3) is another approach where a lot many criticisms have been recorded. It has been defined as the promotional tool, where the purpose of promoting the original brand is met via an exhibition of an ostensible purpose to popularize a different product.

Any possibility of surrogate marketing is a direct consequence of the extent of liberty offered by the legislation of a particular country. For example, in a country like India where judiciary sticks to the written law instead of the ‘merit of case’ basis, surrogate marketing flourishes. There is a clear ban over the advertising of alcoholic beverages in the country, so all the liquor companies have been pushing their brands up by promoting their carbonated drinks (soda water).

Irony lays in the fact that all the parties: the consumer, advertiser, the channel (television or radio), and the regulators understand that laws are being bent and social values are being compromised, nothing can be done.

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