Article Writing Homework Help

Write 6 pages with APA style on Ethics in Organizations. The management of HP stated that one of the most difficult yet important choices they have ever made was firing the people whose acts were not

Write 6 pages with APA style on Ethics in Organizations. The management of HP stated that one of the most difficult yet important choices they have ever made was firing the people whose acts were not meeting the ethical standards of the organization.

Whether it is in the form of legal or moral responsibility, ethics should be considered as their priority by the modern organization. Organizations have a lot of things going on in their minds in today’s highly competitive world. They must also be familiar with all the technological advancements, the product and services of their competitors, the effects of globalization on the operations of the firm, and the threats and opportunities present within their own industry.

As the priority of the organization, ethics will not only affect its decision making and culture but also its goals. In order to achieve success, an organization must integrate business ethics with its vision, mission, values, goals, and strategies. Ethical values are considered to be social in nature and therefore the alignment between the processes will be concerned with the definition of the definition and relationship of relational expectations. The major goal of an organization practicing ethical values should be to work for the greater good of all. The internal relationship in the organization i.e. the one existing between the leaders and the followers and the external relations of the organization and its clients should benefit the society at all prizes.

It is the responsibility of the organization’s leaders to keep an eye on the vision, values, mission, goals, and strategy of the organization. However, in order to compete in the markets of the 21st century, it is important that the organizations should make ethics their priority. Priorities are things that are considered to be most important. For an organization, some things are way too important than the others. Ethical values must gain recognition as an elite and most significant success&nbsp.factor for modern organizations. As a result of this, the people will be treated well and an ethical culture emerges from it (Brimmer, 2012).&nbsp.

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