Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on social domain of a childs development.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on social domain of a childs development. Attachment to other people has already been initiated. Other social tasks which the child may focus are the development of interaction or relationship with other people, the postulation of social roles, the assumption of a productive role in social groups and acceptance of group values and moral system.

As stated in the developmental profile, the child at his fourth year has developed imitation skills. This is triggered by his interests in other people. With regard to imitating adults, this includes imitating house chores due to his interest in growing up fast and taking significant social responsibilities which are mostly experienced only by adults.

Imitating playmates, on the other hand, is prompted by two factors. First, the child may be developing an admiration for a child of his same age. This admiration leads the child to imitate the acts of a particular person. Second, the child’s social skills also lead him to make fun of other people up to a certain degree. With immature mindset, this degree only takes up to imitation without direct mockery.

This is also manifested in the subject’s actions which are also documented in his developmental profile. Apparent actions showing this domain are giving gifts to a playmate, touching a playmate whenever a playmate is hurt, feeling sorry/expressing apologies and the most manifested action in a four-year-old child— the behavior which leads him to hate a person his playmates hates, and like a person his playmate likes.

A child who can take turns in games is developing acceptance of failure and fairness for other people. Hence, taking turns in games shows a child’s social development as this is a manifestation of a child’s social responsibility. Additionally, this also shows that a child is capable of accepting social roles. As for the subject, this is shown while he was playing games with his playmates.

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