Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Important Aspects of the Australian Culture. Your paper should be a minimum of 2500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Important Aspects of the Australian Culture. Your paper should be a minimum of 2500 words in length. Before delving deeper into the topic, it is important to give an overview of Australia as that will act as the basis of this discussion. Australia is among the oldest landmasses in the world. The country is the sixth largest in the world and is the planet’s biggest island. While the country is surrounded by water masses, the country is among the driest as it has only 6 percent of arable land. Since the country is vast, visitors are often surprised at the large distances they cover traveling from city to city. From east to west, Australia stretches approximately 4000 kilometers and 37000 kilometers from north to south. Flying from Perth to Sydney takes about 5 hours. Without including Alaska, Austria is about the same size as the US and is over 32 times the size of the UK. The name “Australia” is derived for the Latin term “australis” which means “of the South” (Lees, 2002).

Etiquette is an important part of the Australian culture. The terms ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ are very popular in Australia and are very helpful whenever you are dealing with other people probably when buying goods and asking to be offered services (Sharp, 2012). When being offered something, say a cup of tea, for example, it is considered polite to say “Yes please”, or simply “Please” if you would like to have the tea and “no, thank you” if you don’t like to have the tea. When receiving something, on the other hand, to say “thank you” is considered polite. If you bump into someone in Australia, you are supposed to say “sorry” and if you need a person’s attention, saying “excuse me” is appropriate. You may also notice Australians say “pardon me” or “excuse me” if they belch or burp around a person’s home or in public (Sharp, 2012).&nbsp.&nbsp.

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