Article Writing Homework Help

Article Writing Homework Help. Write 3 pages thesis on the topic strategies of the world war i and their impacts on humans.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic strategies of the world war i and their impacts on humans. The book first exploits the effect of the world war to civilization arising from the casualty rate it had, this is shown through the fact that two in every nine soldiers from France who were deployed to the war field never returned home. From the start of the book, John explains how the best-laid strategies came back as flaws in regard to the measurement of the strengths and weaknesses of commanders.

During the world war, (John 21) explains that the technology of the day was not good enough to enable effective communication between the rare in battle and the front. The books exploit the fact that seclusion of rural establishments to act as a place for disfigured veterans had ironic consequences though it was supposed to be a war strategy though unusual. In the book, John implies that the World War created a more advanced world. The war ended the relative peace and prosperity of the era before the war leading to the unleashing of modern warfare such as the use of mechanized and biological weapons and consequently leading to the death of masses. In his book (John 45) shows how the leaders of Europe went into negotiations but their efforts to end the crisis always was doomed. John illustrates that failure of communication and diplomacy was a great contributor to the continuation of the war without diplomacy there arose a bilateral dispute taking over the whole continent.

The book mentions the names in the war that became legends, some of the names include Verdun, Gallipoli, and Somme. The contribution that technology and geography made to the war are sensitized in the book. The book gives an account of the various personalities who mastermind the war such as Russias Nicholas II, Haig, Joffre, and Hindenburg.

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