Article Writing Homework Help

Do a little research on “Bollywood,” the Indian film industry. You could profile a director or a film, if you choose to watch one, and discuss how Bollywood values reflect Indian culture and/or theate

Do a little research on “Bollywood,” the Indian film industry. You could profile a director or a film, if you choose to watch one, and discuss how Bollywood values reflect Indian culture and/or theater. Illustrate!

Guidelines/RubricsAll projects should be submitted as an attachment to this project in eCampus or as email to me in Word.Double-spaced text of 500 to 750 words or more (2-3 pages).Always include a Works Cited section at the end of your project.Inserted pictures should be in addition to the required length.In all cases, be creative and try to reflect what you learned from the chapter and films to inform your project. Ask questions: What’s worth knowing about this subject? What’s interesting about this culture? How does this culture reflect the greater world community? How does religious faith influence the culture and its theatre and drama? What more would you like to know? Explore and find out and share with me!If you have questions or are confused about anything, please ask me!For all projects, I expect you to include a good selection of illustrations, pasted into your essay or PowerPoints. WHY? Because I want to see what you see and what you looked at and what you would like me to see based on your explorations.

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