Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on hospitality food and beverage.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on hospitality food and beverage. This is a brief report which aims to highlight the theoretical and practical aspects of designing a menu of a midscale food and beverage establishment and its influences on the operational activities of the business. It also includes the economical features which should be kept into consideration while conniving the menu for a food and beverage outlet.

In order to answer the questions provided in the assignment, information from secondary sources are used. The sources include various journals, websites, and books related to the food and beverage industry. The sources offered many vital aspects regarding the menu designing as well as its influence on the business operations. Moreover, numerous online links provided important information regarding the economic characteristics of menu designing as well.

Midscale food and beverage establishments are also known as casual service restaurants and are usually small in size, with the limited range of menu. These can occasionally be coffee shops and can present low priced breakfasts and lunch with a menu which can attract local clients as well as travelers irrespective of age throughout 24/7. Midscale restaurants mainly highlight three factors such as food-service quality, family price-value, and time convenience. These factors help in enhancing the image of mid-scale food and beverage industries (Chon & Maier, 2009).

The menu designing is one of the vital attributes of a mid-scale food and beverage establishment as it helps to attract the customers and enhance the business. A la carte menu signifies that the food can be prepared according to the choice of the customer. The prepared A la carte menu will comprise food items such as Gravadlax of Salmon for £5.00, Confit of Duck and Ham Hock Terrine at £6.00, Yorkshire Tapas for £8.00 and Chicken Supreme at £20.00 among others (Legacy Hotels & Resorts Ltd, 2011. Chon & Maier, 2009).

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