Article Writing Homework Help

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Migration Between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Migration Between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. Quite some analysts depend solely on the internal affairs of Kyrgyzstan to try and come up with a valid explanation for this violence (Rezvani).

In the exception of the civil war that erupted in Tajikistan, Central Asia had been considered as a haven of peace since the fall of the Soviet Union. In 2010, most people believed that the scores of hatred between the Uzbeks and Kyrgyz had already been buried deep in the darkness of history. Most parties blamed the violence in Kyrgyzstan on the socio-economic situation’s post-perestroika deterioration of the former Soviet Union. Other analysts especially in the western parts of the world believed that regardless of the petty cases of ethnic stereotypes between the two ethnic groups, hostilities and violence had already been done away within 1990 after the order was restored in the area.

One can argue that the conflict in 2010 a pre-eruption of the 1990’s conflict between the ethnic groups that were somehow subsidized following the elimination of the violent hostilities. Regardless of the conflict in 2010 lasting for a shorter period, we should not refute the fact that the roots of this violence are deeply embedded in a long history. Just as it is the case in other cases of ethno-territorial conflicts in other parts of the Soviet Union, it is right to assume that the roots of the conflict go back to the nationalities policy, the establishment of the Soviet Union as well as the national-territorial divisions. Resulting from these divisions, a large population of the Uzbeks lives within the territory of Kyrgyzstan (ANDERSON, KATUS and SILVER).

By history, the Uzbeks used to be sedentary whereas their counterparts were nomadic by tradition. In the past years, there were times when the nomads would launch an attack on the sedentary population. However, the ancestors of the Tajiks and the modern-day Uzbeks were never always observed violence.&nbsp.

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