Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Fashion, Identity And Feminism. It needs to be at least 2250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Fashion, Identity And Feminism. It needs to be at least 2250 words. Fashion is not all about dressing a certain type of clothes, but it also concerns the identity of an individual. Identity is among the most contentious issues in the humanities and social studies and fashion is partially associated with the formulation of identity. This paper focuses on fashion as a way of managing feminism identity in present society. Further, the essay seeks to discuss how the feminine identities are visually portrayed in the society as sexual objects that attract the male gender. The author also provides relevant examples as evidence of the same.

Fashion is more than the clothes worn since it influences the identity an individual seeks to portray. Such identities might be gender identities, sexual identities or whatever the individual seeks to present to the society or audience. Individuals at time are known to interact with objects in order to demonstrate their beliefs to the society. According to Bennett, “by assembling particular items of fashion in particular ways and through experimentation with dress and appearance, late modern individuals create personal images ” The direct physical and intimate interaction of the dress with the body, makes it perfect in formulating and determining the general social identity but especially gender identity. A dress defines the link between a person’s personal value and the attributes or features associated with the attire that women wear since it is a reflection of the individual. Due to its intimate interaction with the body, the dress acts as a sieve between an individual and the neighbouring social environment.

Each individual chooses the personality they want to be given in the society through dressing. This implies that dressing is a key and controllable means of communicating the values of an individual. Further, it carries both emotional and psychosocial concerns through composition of individuals’ expressions and social guidelines. Dressing styles are primarily influenced by the social values, morals, beliefs and socioeconomic status as well. It is a symbol representing the social identity of a person and defines how an individual purposes to appear in society.

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