Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses trends in the workplace. In addition, staffing helps in defining the needs of the employees, screening interviewees, and recruiting applicants. Other functio

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses trends in the workplace. In addition, staffing helps in defining the needs of the employees, screening interviewees, and recruiting applicants. Other functions of staffing include creating job postings, tracking flow numbers of candidates, determining when and where to advertise open positions, carrying out interviews, and controlling and interpreting skill evaluation. Total rewards refer to compensation done in the form of benefits and pay incentives, which are aimed at rewarding employees for accomplishing their individual tasks (Holley et al. 2012). This function enables an organization to attract, retain, and motivate employees. An organization can gain a competitive advantage through the utilization of a comprehensive strategy of rewards such as benefits, compensation, work-life, recognition, and career opportunities. In the healthcare sector, for instance, as the cost of healthcare is increasingly on the rise, organizations may use benefits like healthcare packages in attracting and retaining employees. Employee relation is a functional area that is used by human resource professionals to create a good relationship between employees and managers (Holley et al. 2012).&nbsp.

Every organization has to provide its employees with a safe working environment. This function guarantees that the organization in question abides by the requirements of health and occupational safety act, and any other significant tasks related to security (Holley et al. 2012). It encompasses fundamental functions such as creating and implementing security policies, as well as procedures, carrying out audits, supervising safety meetings and teachings. It also focuses on addressing occupational illnesses and injuries and dealing with requirements of accident reporting. Employees who&nbsp.operate in a healthy and safe environment are much more likely to be highly productive (Holley et al. 2012).&nbsp.&nbsp.Therefore, safety entails protecting workers from work-related injuries and accidents.&nbsp. On the other hand, health activities seek to thwart illness and ensure general mental and physical well-being.

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