Article Writing Homework Help

Course readings Unit 4 This unit examines parenting styles that have been identified how the various parenting styles affect young children in their learning and other areas of development. The syste

Course readings Unit 4 

This unit examines parenting styles that have been identified how the various parenting styles affect young children in their learning and other areas of development.

The system of values and beliefs exhibited by parents is actively or passively transferred to children during their development. These values and beliefs whenadopted by children will influence their interaction within the community and hence affect community development in positive or negative ways.

Reflect on unit  4 . Remember to support your writing with examples of your experience in a Grenadian context on the parenting styles (authoritarian, permissive, neglected/uninvolved, authoritative) and its impact on child( preschooler) behavior and development.

Font: Time New Roman 12

2 pages double spaced exclusive of cover and reference page.

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