Article Writing Homework Help

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the necessary credential in the success of my chosen career plan, pay ranges, career change.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses the necessary credential in the success of my chosen career plan, pay ranges, career change. Changes are inevitable. Nevertheless, a career change requires thorough and critical thinking. This paper explores the necessary credential in the success of my chosen career plan. Also, it tackles the steps in achieving my goal relative to time. Further, this paper discusses the pay ranges, career change, and support system characterized in the three positions that I have personally chosen. One of the reasons why people take up an MA/PhD degree is because it provides them with a greater advantage over others in the competitive job market. What Kaplan (2008) calls “career advancement,” persons who have a Master’s Degree possess the advantage of gaining career position and/or promotion against those people “with only a bachelor’s degree” (p. 4). The drawback, however, is that a Master’s degree is far from the assurance that one can land a good job or be promoted to a much higher position. Plus, pursuing a graduate program is a difficult and tremendous task. In fact, Peters (1997) compares the students in graduate school as adults who are “judged by the standards of the adult world” (p. 6). To my mind, the notion of the “adult world” as understood by Peters is far from the ideal, child-like, or Utopia-like realm. From here, I seem to perceive it as something monstrous and hideous. In time and with perseverance, nevertheless, I might be able to cope up the challenges salient in the graduate program. And I might land a good job of my liking. Pay ranges The three positions, which I have chosen as my alternative careers in the field of education, have different pay ranges. In primary education, on the one hand, a teacher receives an annual salary ranging from $30,719 to $54,000 (Bernstein, 2003, p. 466).&nbsp.

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