Article Writing Homework Help

Write 8 pages with APA style on Pain Management: A Holistic Nursing Approach. The emphasis, as added by Frisch, Dossey, Guzzetta, and Quinn (2000), not only deals with several dimensions of man, but i

Write 8 pages with APA style on Pain Management: A Holistic Nursing Approach. The emphasis, as added by Frisch, Dossey, Guzzetta, and Quinn (2000), not only deals with several dimensions of man, but it also takes into consideration the interaction of the holistic person with the environment (p. 1). As its name implies, holistic nursing both maintains an interest in the internal and external side of the management process. With its large nursing scope, it requires a comprehensive integration in clinical practice–in order for health professionals to be effective in their nursing function.

In the healthcare setting, the pain seems to be the common modality in most of the existing disease conditions. At some point in their hospital stay, patients experience various levels of pain, from the sudden onset of intense pain to gradual yet long-term pain. The advancement in medical technology has given the people more options when it comes to medical management. Unfortunately, more and more interventions are relying on pharmacological management in order to lessen the degree of patients’ pain. This is quite an expensive pursuit. In some ways, this lack of moderation can result in drug dependence and neglect in taking into account the numerous side effects of pain reliever drugs (American College of Chest Physicians, 2009). Despite the promise of improved pain threshold, the negative aspects of the drugs should still be considered inpatient therapy. The intentional ignorance with the side effects of these drugs points out that other medical approach must be considered as serious alternatives–for an improved client condition.

The holistic nursing approach is deemed as timely in its emergence, as health care is veering away from the usual medical set-up, wherein disease treatment has been the major focus. The usual trend is now on health promotion and early detection of diseases (Lai & Hsieh, 2003).&nbsp.

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