Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. problems in the us adoption and foster care system Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. problems in the us adoption and foster care system Thank you in advance for the help! More children are getting enrolled in the foster care system that is going out. This seems a comparatively small number of children each year. however every year after year these numbers get added up. The number of cases handled in the foster care during the period of1980s and early- to mid-1990s agrees with growing public consciousness of child abuse and neglect and quite a few legislation intended to deal with it (Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act, 1980). During the later period of the 1990s, the foster care caseload gone up even as confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect declined.

Studies indicate that the probabilities of getting into foster care and the chances of leaving care differ considerably by race. For instance, in 1999, the number of Non-Hispanic black children was more among children arriving in foster care and living in foster care. Although black children estimated for merely 15 percent of all children under age 18, they are approximately 30 percent of children getting into the foster care, and 42 percent of children living in foster care (Wertheimer, 2002).

The foster care placements for children, organizations look for the minimum restrictive and on the whole family-like surroundings that will suit the child’s special needs. For several children, family settings are set up. As on September 2005, 236,775 foster children (46 percent) resided in family foster homes with caregivers who are not related to the children and 124,153 (24 percent) lived in family foster homes with relations offering for their care (U.S. DHHS, 2006b). Yet, 94,650 children (18 percent) in foster care were cared for in organizations or group homes (U.S. DHHS, 2006b). Over and above an extra eight percent of foster children joined in trial home visits or stayed in pre-adoptive residencies waiting for adoption.

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