Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on West and the World. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on West and the World. It needs to be at least 250 words. Section


Effects of Decolonization


The new nations proposed economic and political changes to their relations with West, and this often rattled the West, as they had not taken into consideration some of these changes. This paper considers The Emergence of New Nations in Cold War World, 1945-1970, written by Bonnie G. Smith, Marc Van De Mieroop, Richard Von Glahn and Kris Lane. This paper through the article aforementioned shall discuss the effects of decolonization. The decolonization effects which included fear of the external actors in so far as the future new possibilities and nationalism for the liberation process. The authors explained the effects of decolonization by focusing on the impacts colonization on countries.

Lack of Economic Growth

Decolonization is perceived as had a key influence on the lack of economic growth in Egypt (Smith et al. 3). After Gamal Abdel Nasser took over the reins in Egypt the result was that Britain persuaded the U.S. not to support the development of Suez Canal, to counter the takeover of the Suez Canal by Nasser administration. Further, the British did not believe that Egypt could manage such a vast project. Pan-Arab nationalism offers alternatives to the communist capitalist societies and politics.

President Sukarno argues that decolonization can create an alternative to US and USSR ideologies and include. fear of ideologies, fear of hydrogen bomb and fear of the future. This is evidenced by the fact that vast areas of Africa and Asia lack freedom, and resulting in a third wave of nationalism. Hence, nations lack economic control, physical control and intellectual control, which minimizes the potential of communities to develop. As people viewed decolonization as the source result of nationalism, and freedom from oppression, the resulting economic impacts had not been accounted for and the assumed colonial Free states experience several social, economic and political problems.

Race Issues

Richard Wright argues that decolonization has had an impact on racial issues. World conferences are held based on racial, social and religious backgrounds of societies. These conferences are the centers for making essential world decisions, but they have discriminations on individuals based on their racial and religious backgrounds. Tolerance of the differences unified around the vision of racial diversification. For example, in French, there were several torture cases based on racial backgrounds of individuals. These depict social injustice.


Decolonization herald new insights into the world political system as it ushered in new forms of government free of oppression and self rules by the natives. However, the was a resulting economic gaping hole after decolonization as newly independent states were quick to take over mammoth projects that they neither had the resources nor influence to manage. In Egypt the new regime led by Nasser was quick to nationalize the Suez Canal to the detriment of its management.

Works Cited

Smith, Bonnie, Mieroop, Marc, Glahn, Richard and Lane, Kris. Sources of crossroads and

cultures. A history of the world’s peoples. Volume II since 1300.

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