Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 250 words assignment on long term care. Needs to be plagiarism free! Home Healthcare Case: Joan and Jerry Joan and Jerry should indeed have applied for home care sooner, considering thebenef

Compose a 250 words assignment on long term care. Needs to be plagiarism free! Home Healthcare Case: Joan and Jerry Joan and Jerry should indeed have applied for home care sooner, considering thebenefits that they received from the services from the time they applied for such. Although Jerry did everything within his capacity to take care of his wife Joan as her condition deteriorated, it was evident that the task was taking a toll on him. Besides, his condition could not allow him to provide better services than the home care aide and the home care nurse. Had the couple applied for home health care earlier, they would have lived a much better live, especially towards the end of Joan’s live. Since the couple had superstitious about home healthcare, their daughter, and the community around them could have informed them of the benefits of such care, particularly for aging couples that require long-term care (Pratt, 2010).&nbsp.

Considering the financing and accessibility of home care services, it is worth noting that are, to some extent, unavailable to most consumers. Perhaps Joan and Jerry were lucky in the sense that the federal and state governments play a role in public financing of patients that need long-term care. In this regard, two programs, namely Medicare and Medicaid, are available to consumers who may need long-term care. However, the criterion for receiving such long-term care is based on two scenarios, which locks out many prospective consumers of home healthcare. For example, only poor elderly patients who are either eligible or covered by Medicaid can access such services. Additionally, only patients recovering from acute conditions who had previously enrolled for Medicaid can get the home healthcare services on long-term basis (Pratt, 2010).&nbsp.

Drawing from Pierre’s case, Hospice’s management ought to develop a program for volunteering in order to supervise to supervise and monitor volunteer works properly to guarantee suitable and safe care of consumers. The management can attach one nursing aide to every situation to ensure that the situations are taken care of effectively and efficiently (Pratt, 2010).


Pratt, J. R. (2010).&nbsp.Long-term care: Managing across the continuum. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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