Article Writing Homework Help

Need help with my writing homework on Leadership within an Organization. Write a 2750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Leadership within an Organization. Write a 2750 word paper answering; Leaders should be able to challenge the existing environment and create excitement and vision (Snashall, 2006). They usually achieve through empowerment. I too faced challenges as the Director of Sales and Marketing of Fairfield Resorts during one of the most turbulent times in my career.

Leadership is a relationship through which one person influences the behaviour of others (Snashall, 2006). A leader is someone who “knows the way, goes the way and shows the way” (SD, 2005). To lead involves influencing others, where there are leaders, there are followers, leaders emerge during the crisis, and finally, leaders are individuals who have a clear idea what they want to achieve and why (Doyle & Smith, 1999). This is the traits theory which specifies the traits essential to be a leader – intelligence, self-confidence, integrity, sociability and determination and I feel I have been able to demonstrate these qualities in my assignment as the Director.

Fairfield Resorts is the largest vacation ownership company in the world employing over 8,000 people. It specializes in the sales and marketing of innovative leisure and vacation products providing quality vacation experience all over the United States. In the spring of 2001, Fairfield Resorts was acquired by Cendant Corporation which provides consumer service in real estate and the travel sector. Apart from its own properties, Fairfield also has alliances and privileges with thousands of destinations worldwide through vacation exchange. We offered different vacation packages to suit individual time budget frames.

I faced the most challenging period during 2000/2001 because this was the period when sales were all-time low due to 911.

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