Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Construct a profile of the ideal readers of Time and Heat. Remember that to do this you must demonstrate the validity of the profile in relationship to evidence. T

I will pay for the following article Construct a profile of the ideal readers of Time and Heat. Remember that to do this you must demonstrate the validity of the profile in relationship to evidence. The work is to be 10 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. One magazine is entertainment with the latest celeb news, the other news with occasional inserts on entertainment. One is Heat magazine, the other is Time. One is cheeky, ironic, punchy, fun. the other is serious, driven, dramatic, and dry.

Much money soaks the magazine publishing market. And much is poured into increasing the pounds and dollars—with research, analysis, and aggressive sales efforts. Of the latter, with investments on the part of magazine publishers, a predominant sum goes to studying readership demographics. Such studies, which include reader usage measure (RUM), reveal determinations of attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of public place readers (, means through which readers obtain such a magazine, degree of involvement with the magazine, and levels of satisfaction with specific magazine elements.

These studies, then, determine—among many factors—who and what the target audience is. A composite readership profile exists for every such periodical. Given these facts, and based on semiotic analysis of two specific issues—both special editions—of Heat and Time, this paper will profile the targeted reader, the signifé (signifier)

Adopting the theories of semiotics, this paper will additionally work with the approaches that hold that categories within the two periodicals (as phenomena) are indispensable to the analysis of the way literature can produce feeling (Pierce)—and in the case of advertising (textual and pictorial) can instill or appeal to desire (to sell magazines and material goods).

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