Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on museum of islamic art doha, qatar Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on museum of islamic art doha, qatar Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! I.M Pei first traveled the world and studied Islamic architecture. Finally, his hard work paid off when MIA, which was built on a standalone island, earned fame as one of the premier Middle East cultural destinations. The serving director of the museum when it first opened was Sabiha Al Khemir. Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani wanted to make Qatar a cultural destination and her flagship project was MIA. She gave her vision and idea to some of the best hands and minds in the world and it all paid off. Even after she was removed from the position as the Chairperson of the Qatar Museums Authority Board of Trustees, MIA remains a place for those who seek knowledge about rich Islamic culture.

“This was of the most difficult jobs I ever took”- were the exact words that the architect chose to describe the beauty. The plan was to create something that will perfectly complement the Islamic artworks which would later be displayed at the Museum, instead of creating a staggering structure that would completely overshadow the artwork. But, one look at the magnificent structure will tell you that the master architecture had managed to pull it off really well. The man-made island on which MIA has been built has an array of palm trees on either side of the path leading to the Museum entrance. The simple stone structure is chiseled perfectly and exudes extreme finesse. The structure is inspired by the Ibn Tulun Mosque, Cairo, and looks extravagant in spite of its minimalistic design. The total floor area is about 45, 000 sq m. The entrance is flanked by two arched windows. The hemispherical dome has a classic geometrical pattern that has been achieved by the utilization of stainless steel plates. The interiors of the museum are a classic example of a blend between tradition and modernization. The main building is a five-storied. There is also an Education wing which is just two-story high. The Education wing has classrooms and houses a library too.

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