Article Writing Homework Help

Question 1: One principle of resource leveling is to avoid overworking a resource during a specific period. This is often judged by the constraints placed on the resource by the project calendar. How

Question 1:

One principle of resource leveling is to avoid overworking a resource during a specific period. This is often judged by the constraints placed on the resource by the project calendar. How can a project manager know for certain how much work that a given project resource can complete in any given unit of time? What factors, if any, should the project manager consider beyond the constraints of the project calendar?

Question 2:

Assume that you are a project manager that is assigning resources to your project schedule. Assume further that you are waiting for another project to complete so that you can shift resources from the project that is ending to the project that is starting—and that the project is delayed. How should you proceed to assign resources? What are some possible options?

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