Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Organization Development: Mc Donalds. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Organization Development: Mc Donalds. It needs to be at least 2000 words. An entrepreneur conceives a possible business idea because he has the capital and is interested in earning from the ideas, he sets up a business. From the very first day of operation, the business will need employees to make it a reality. Employees are hired based on their skills and prowess in earning the business profit, in the process of contracting the services of employees to the firm, the employer sets out a number of guidelines based on the structure of the business. Most large businesses end up having similar structures: the employees are grouped in departments and areas of specialization thereby constituting subsystems (Bines & Thel, S.2004).

It is not possible to have everyone at the firm doing what they please, there must be some form and source of order, this is possibly brought about at the firm through effectively formulated subsystems that bring some form of bureaucracies at the firm. Bureaucracies bring order, they uphold the interests of the company and ensure the achievement of goals and objectives set by the entrepreneur. Some of the most common sources of power in a firm include the chief Executive officer who is the most important personality at the company, he makes most of the decisions regarding day to day operations. To some extent, the chief executive officer may always be an entrepreneur. However, the decisions he makes are informed by the advice he gets from his subordinates who are heads of departments that are also subject to the size and composition of the company. The most common of these include. the human resources department charged with the process of contracting employees, disciplining them, and dismissing those deemed unworthy of upholding the standard of the company. The accounts clerk or the accounts manager, business transactions are carried out on a monetary basis, these monies require effective management to ensure that they are effectively reinvested and earn the business more profitable.

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