Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on competitive advantage in enterprise management.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on competitive advantage in enterprise management. Mintzberg (1994) has described that rational process of analysis and planning takes a backseat and hard bargaining is the ploy used by corporate elites for obtaining strategic and tactical advantages. It is an exercise of raw power that moves and prevails on decisions. Indeed the icons of industry are becoming cult figures and are aggrandized as the new architects of strategy. These leaders and managers who engage in strategy are closely involved in directing resources towards organizational goals that they have set. They use innovative technologies and make an impact on society and its norms. Even the institutions are affected and at times they even change the physical landscape.

Porter, M.E., (1996), states that Competitive strategy is about being different and by offering a unique product or service. It means intentionally selecting a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value. In the service industry, the activities remain the same, but their priorities and linkages are planned and routed differently to develop a unique set of values to reduce cost as well as to improve quality of service. It is this difference that is not imitable by competition that sets the company apart from its rivals and delivers the competitive advantage.

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