Article Writing Homework Help

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Designing a Global Business Organization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstra

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: Designing a Global Business Organization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Because of the faster evolution of the globalized trends, it can be said that the consumers are getting more and more aware of their needs and wants. It also has to be said that better connectivity is helping the rapid dispersion of global trends from the well-established markets to the emerging markets, thereby creating the opportunity for the development of consumer demands. This entire cycle of increase in consumer demand is having a direct impact on the part of the consumers in a circular manner. Faced by growing domestic demands in the marketplace, multiple companies located in various markets around the world are increasingly trying their level best to enter the new markets as they promote a significant amount of business opportunity. It is important to state that because of the entrance of companies in new markets, two major changes are getting initiated which are highly interrelated to each other. The first change is that the entrance of new companies is triggering the level of market competition. The second change is that because of the increase in market competition, a major shift of power balances is happening in the markets from the sellers to the buyers. The shift is more happening because of the large number of alternatives that are being currently made available in the market. It is important to mention that apart from raising the competition and influencing the power balance in the markets, the entrance of new companies is also magnifying the challenges and advantages existing in the business environment. For this particular assignment, the focus is on developing a strategic plan for a global business which will be based outside the United States. Designing a global business organization The concept of a global business organization denotes the simple fact that the product or service offered by the company is accepted and is in high demand in multiple markets around the world (Adekola and Sergi, 2012, p. 59). However, in today’s world, in order to cater to the differing tastes of the consumers present in various international markets, the global organization all over the world are stressing on customizing their products and services to a certain extent. The global business organization that is being conceived here will be based in India. The global company of Indian origin will be focusing on providing technology services to the customers located in various international markets. In a more specific manner, it needs to be stated that the Indian global company will be designing mobile applications for the customers located in the global markets Key characteristics of an effective global business A global business has several important characteristics.&nbsp.The first one is the fact that the products and services of global business can be distributed in various international markets while making small market specific modifications. The second characteristic of an effective global business is that they focus on implementing a fluidic structure of the business which has the ability to take shape as per the various market-based requirements.&nbsp.

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