Article Writing Homework Help

Franchising, Wholesaling, and RetailingConsider the course readings about franchising, wholesaling, and retailing. Write a paper in which you address the following: Determine the various types of fra

Franchising, Wholesaling, and RetailingConsider the course readings about franchising, wholesaling, and retailing. Write a paper in which you address the following: Determine the various types of franchises and provide an example of each to further illustrate distinctions. Discuss the benefits likely to be sought by franchisees and franchisers as a result of their involvement in a franchise and explain how the evidence supports conclusions. Describe the issues or problems likely of concern for franchisees and franchisers as a result of their involvement in a franchise. Classify the types of retail structures that exist worldwide and explain how a retailer’s positioning strategy differentiates it from its competitors—even if selling identical products—and support with scholarly resources and examples. Identify the three broad categories of institutions that constitute the wholesaling sector by impartially considering evidence and various perspectives. Demonstrate how wholesaling is being altered by electronic commerce and support claims with relevant examples from scholarly sources. Summarize the power and coordination issues facing retailers and their suppliers, as well as how suppliers respond to retailers’ use of power to influence channel behavior.Assignment RequirementsWritten communication: Write in a professional manner using APA style and formatting with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.Resources: At least 1–3 scholarly references should be provided. A reference list and citations are to be formatted according to APA style and formatting.Length of paper: Write 2–3 double-spaced pages.Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point or Arial, 10-point font.

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