Article Writing Homework Help

5.What role should the government play in creating happiness?To answer this question you need to consider issues of war/conflict, political economy and globalization, development, human rights, rule o

5.What role should the government play in creating happiness?To answer this question you need to consider issues of war/conflict, political economy and globalization, development, human rights, rule of law, and civil rights and civil liberties. You need to reference at least TWO of these issues when addressing this question AND give an example for both references.

**This question is worth 50 points. Grading criteria: answer the question – 10 pts, reference one issue from the question with class materials – 10 pts, give real world example – 10 pts, reference another issue from the question with class materials – 10 pts, give a real world example -10 pts

6, What do you see as the connection between politics and power? To answer this question you will need to define both politics and power and give an example of each. How can individuals disrupt power structures and powerful people? (30 pts)

Class materials

This week, we are focusing on the role that government and governance can play in bringing about happiness. Perhaps you don’t think government should have any role in this or perhaps you think it is the very purpose of a government and state to bring about opportunities for happiness. We are quiet capable of pointing out ways in which government causes unhappiness, but if that is the case then it should be capable of creating opportunities or environments in which happiness can flourish.

Consider the possible role of government in creating happiness for the people living within the state. What is the purpose of the state if not to help create the opportunity for happiness within the state? There are a number of indexes which capture happiness at the national level – please look through them:

Gross National Happiness Index: to an external site.) to an external site.)

World Happiness Report: to an external site.)

World Happiness Index: to an external site.)

You can look through the different indexes and see the different indicators that are connected to these conceptualizations of the happiness.

There are also a few peace indexes out there that capture peacefulness, which could also be helpful in thinking about happiness. They are listed here:

Global Peace Index:

Everyday Peace Indicators:

OECD Better Life Index:

Human Development Index:

Please use this week to focus on your research project, getting caught up, and thinking about the role of government in creating happiness.

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