Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 39 pages APA formatted article: Is it Cost-Effective to Invest on Simulation Training in order to Improve the Management and Leadership Skills of the Doctors.

Complete 39 pages APA formatted article: Is it Cost-Effective to Invest on Simulation Training in order to Improve the Management and Leadership Skills of the Doctors. ng the doctors’ level of confidence, the provision of simulation programmes is also useful in terms of improving the medical doctors’ competency and patients’ safety. Without the need to practice on patients who are admitted to the hospital, Temple (not known) mentioned that the use of simulation technique will provide each of the doctors the opportunity to review and learn from their own errors and actual performance results. Considering the significance of simulation training programmes over the learning outcomes of the doctors, this study aims whether or not the use of simulation training is cost-effective in terms of improving management and leadership of doctors. To improve the quality of healthcare throughout the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) is promoting medical leadership and management. In line with this, a literature review will be conducted to examine the attitude of the healthcare institutions and people from the academic world with regards to the NHS’ active promotion on healthcare management and medical leadership. In general, the NHS is a publicly funded health care organisation. Therefore, in response to the growing healthcare demands in the United Kingdom, the NHS management team should be made responsible and held accountable when it comes to utilising the most out of its investment fund. In order to examine whether or not it is necessary on the part of the NHS to promote the use of simulation training gadgets for doctors, a literature review will be conducted to determine the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and inter-professionalism in the role and responsibilities of the doctors followed by examining the impact of simulation training on teamwork and doctors’ overall work performance.

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