Article Writing Homework Help

By now you should have received and reviewedthe class announcement about the modification of Week10 Assignment. Instead of attending an in-person cultural event, you will be watching a cultural docume

By now you should have received and reviewedthe class announcement about the modification of Week10 Assignment. Instead of attending an in-person cultural event, you will be watching a cultural documentary from a list I provided.

Week7Assignment 1 is a brief report on your progress toward the Week10 Final Project.

The original instructions for Week7 Assignment One ask you to identify which cultural event you are going to attend. But none of you will be attending an in-person event; instead you will be watching a documentary film. So respond instead tothesequestions for your Week7 Assignment 1:

  • Identify a film from the list that you are planning on watching to fulfill the requirements for the main project.
  • Why are you choosing this documentary?
  • How does the focus of this film differ from your own diverse experience?
  • What are you looking forward to as you watch this film?

Please make sure to address all four of the bullet points in your paper.

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