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Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Theme of Gender in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: Theme of Gender in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice explores the theme of gender among other themes displayed through the storyline. The book is an expose of injustices that surrounded gender and had a basis on gender-based violence and conflicts in the XIX century society. The theme of gender is mainly related to that of women and marriage that is explicit in the novel. The demeaning of the female gender is a sure way that the theme comes out in the novel. Austen depicts the gender theme in the book through appreciated criticality and keenness in bringing out the sad states in the face of gender matters in society. Charlotte Lucas is among the female characters in the novel. Her life is a complete depiction of the grim faces and opposite directions of marriages. She is a foil of other characters as Elizabeth.Mr. Benett has little regard for women in society. She has little appreciation for the role played by her daughters and views them with little consideration. Charlotte rarely made efforts to get a husband whom she loves and appreciates. Her main source of interest in men emanates from the need and desire to exploit her partners financially. Her relationships with men include those with characters as Mr Collins. Elizabeth remains doubtful of the happiness of Charlotte in life. The action by Charlotte in the novel reveals the theme of gender in marriages and women. Exploitation of men by women is evident in the novel. this forms a focal point in addressing gender as a theme in the novel. This shows the extent of little regard that one side of gender has for the other and the tendency to take advantage of the counterpart gender. Jane Bennet is a victim of betrayal by friends including Caroline Bingley. The two belong to the same sex. The instance of hurt of a friend of the same sex is a veritable tribulation involving gender violence.&nbsp.

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