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Need help with my writing homework on Adam Silverman. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Adam Silverman. Write a 250 word paper answering; of the of the Adam Silverman Adam Silverman, born in Atlanta in the year 1953 is one of the fastest rising composers in America. He started his musical career as a songwriter and rock guitarist and went to Vienna Musikhochschule and Yale to study classical compositions. During his study, he gained particular interest in musical system of just intonation. Two of his famous compositions, The ‘Just Music Makes Me Lose My Temper’, published in 1995 and ‘Durham’ in 1996, are just intonation compositions. Silverman’s compositions present a diverse genre of music. His works are a proof of his mastery over different forms of music: the ‘Sturm’ is based on classical chamber music, ‘Strawberry Fields Continued’ on rock-based live performances and ‘Korczak’s Orphans’ on opera singing. In appreciation of his works, Silverman has received fellowships, residencies and grants from The Tangle wood Music Center, American Music Center, Bowdoin Music Festival, Yale School of Music and many others. He is also the co-founder of Minimum Security Composers Collective, a group that has been created with the aim of presenting new music. Silverman has been working for his group since 1998 and formed Minimum Security ensemble that has helped in the creation of a lot of new music which has been performed throughout the country. As a result of diversity and originality in his works, Adam has gained quite an elevated status among his contemporaries. He is currently living in Pennsylvania, where he works as an Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition at the West Chester University. (Adam Silverman). Works Cited “Adam Silverman.” Adam Silverman Composer July 2009. 26 April 2011 .

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