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Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Epic Theater. The epic form depicts both a style of written drama and a practical approach to the production of plays. Epic theatre integrates a mode of acting

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Epic Theater. The epic form depicts both a style of written drama and a practical approach to the production of plays. Epic theatre integrates a mode of acting that utilizes what Brecht calls Jesus. Brecht believed that the audience should always be aware that it is watching a play. “It is most important that one of the main features of the ordinary theatre should be excluded from [epic theatre]: the engendering of illusion.” (Brecht)1. The epic style also uses comedy to detach audiences from the depicted events and is heavily interspersed by music and song in which the characters frequently indulge.

Regardless of its comic situations, witty wordplay, and frivolous posturing, ‘The Barber of Seville’ written by French playwright Beaumarchais, carried social messages of great significance to its original audiences, the lower class of the French society of the 18th century

The plot involves a Spanish count, called simply The Count who has fallen in love at first sight with a girl called Rosine. To make certain that she really loves him and not just his wealth, the Count masquerades as a poor college student named Lindor and tries to woo her. His plans are frustrated by Rosine’s guardian Doctor Bartholo, who keeps her imprisoned in his house and plans to marry her himself. Figaro the Counts ex-servant devises a variety of ways for the Count and Rosine to meet and talk and helps them deceive the Doctor. The story concludes in the marriage of the Count and Rosine.

Commedia dellarte (comedy of professional artists) was a form of improvisational theater that began in the&nbsp.16th century and was popular until the 18th century. Commedia dell’arte followed a repertory of conventional plotlines written on themes of adultery, jealousy, old age, and love. The classic, the traditional plot is that the two lovers wish to be married, but one or several elders are stopping this from happening, leading the lovers to ask an eccentric servant for help.&nbsp.

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