Article Writing Homework Help

1. – select a business ethics article to summarize, then analyze* it. (350-500words – separate your summary from your analysis with a blank space, a line/other marks, or a heading. – Include a hyperli

1. – select a business ethics article to summarize, then analyze* it. (350-500words

– separate your summary from your analysis with a blank space, a line/other marks, or a heading.

– Include a hyperlink to the article.

For *analysis, consider:

• what you like or agree with, and explain why;

• what you dislike or disagree with, and explain why;

• were some things not considered, or were some things considered that should not have been;

• what other considerations do you think are relevant;

• what ethical principles are involved and how?

2. Read the drug dilemmas article and answer the discussion questions. (i have attached the article here)

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