Article Writing Homework Help

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on political participation by latino non-citizens in the us.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on political participation by latino non-citizens in the us. As the discussion highlights&nbsp.the study’s resultant figure for the Latino non-citizens’ political participation was an insignificant 3.6%. Though this meager figure indicated less participation, the study still was able to present other rooms for interpretation of political behavior. For instance, it was found that Latino non-citizens were “about one and a half times more likely to participate” in local non-political groups and may indicate a perception of non-political activities as “directly relevant and … more fun”.

This paper outlines that political activities and levels of participation were divided into two types: the less demanding activities (i.e., “wearing a button or displaying a sign, signing a petition or&nbsp. attending a public meeting”). and the more demanding activities (i.e. “volunteering for&nbsp. a political campaign and donating money”). The trend for both citizen and non-citizen was similar: higher participation rates for less demanding activities and lower participation rates for the more demanding activities. Though the same trend appeared for both, the citizens still have a significantly, higher participation rate against the non-citizens.&nbsp.The aforementioned figure of 3.6% also opened discussions for the relevance of understanding the variables behind the differences in the level of participation among the Latino non-citizens. The study delved and shed light on this through elaborating how “results show that participation is not random”.

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