Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Are physicians in America over prescribing stimulant medication to children. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Are physicians in America over prescribing stimulant medication to children. It needs to be at least 1250 words. Why use stimulants? Stimulants are substances that enhance the activity of the brain. In medication, they can be termed as a class of psychoactive drug that enhances the activity of the brain. According to Nicolino and Ricker (1), the prescription of these drugs aims at treating imbalances associated with body chemicals said to cause ADHD. However, the ineffective use of the drugs results into different chemical imbalances in the body causing biological mishap and eventual mental disorder. Stimulants. mainly used to temporary elevate alertness, mood and level of awareness, good examples of such substances being caffeine, amphetamines, nicotine and prescription drugs. The use of stimulants produces feelings of tremendous joy, increased wakefulness and reduced appetite. According to Gary (1), The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that more the 3.8 million school going children, with a higher proportion of boys are of late being diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). On the same note, more than a million children are on Ritalin. a drug having a more powerful outcome on the brain than cocaine (Gary 1). The efficacy and safety of these drugs is not clearly known. The increased number of prescriptions in the recent years calls for massive cause of alarm and must be of concern to the whole society. The effects of the drugs can clearly be associated by psychiatric grave actions by the youths that result to death and injury like, shootings happening in schools (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). The massacres shooting that have occurred in America, like the Columbine massacre. can be attributed to the perpetrators being users of psychotropic drugs like Ritalin and Prozac. Gary gives two examples of a 1998 case, and 1999 where a 14 year old killed his parents plus other two. while injuring 22 in his High School in Oregon. The second one involved a 15 year old who wounded six classmates in Georgia. The first one was on Prozac and Ritalin drugs and the latter on Ritalin (Gary 1). Stimulants cause various disorders apart from their association with treating chemical imbalances. The use of them results to short term effects, as well as long term ones. Repeated use of stimulants lead to addiction this leads to repeated seeking of the drug amid the harmful effects (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). This leads to brain distortion eventually contributing to dependency on drugs. Some drugs like Methamphetamine may increase the sex drive of an individual leading to risky sexual behavior causing sexually transmitted diseases. On the same note, the drug associated with decreased sexual function particularly with men. a condition perceived badly by many and causes mental disorder due to depression (National Institute on Drug Abuse 1). More research on the use of stimulant medication towards ADHD should be enhanced to ensure clearance of the controversy about the drugs. Further, researches suggest that persons with ADHD do not grow to be addicted to their stimulant medication in the treatment of ADHD, if taken as prescribed by the doctor. The overwhelming majority of psychotropic prescriptions for children are given to attention deficit disorder (ADD) or ADHD. To some extent, taking medication is a requirement for attending school, failure to which can grant grounds for dismissal.

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