Article Writing Homework Help

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Of the House of Fraser and the United Kingdoms Department Store Industry.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Of the House of Fraser and the United Kingdoms Department Store Industry. The company mainly gives an offer on its garments and food products. It is observed, that the target group of Marks and Spencer mostly comes from the middle-class market. In regards to the food sector, it governs the United Kingdom’s retail industry by acquiring a large market of ready to eat products. The food sector of Marks and Spencer helps in drawing a huge chunk of customers to its stores who also makes good purchases on garments. Thus, the food department of Marks and Spencer helps to augment the firm’s business in a dual fashion. Moreover, Marks and Spencer are also observed to sell private labels in their food products. It has increased its practice of private labeling to its clothing products as well. Before the advent of recession in the retail market of the United Kingdom the sales of Marks and Spencer recorded a steep rise. However, an estimate made in May 2009 revealed that the company had incurred an annual loss in sales by 3.4 percent. In light of the above fact the company carried on with some strict guidelines like closing down of stores, retrenching jobs, curbing marketing and capital expenditure, and even the wage and pensions. It was found that the company had cut some 1200 jobs, closed around 30 underperforming stores, and reduced capital and marketing expenditure by 400 pounds and 20 pounds respectively. The company in spite of its growing tension reports of good customer loyalty due to wide market coverage. (A case study of the House of Fraser and the United Kingdoms department store industry, N.D.)

John Lewis: The John Lewis department stores operate vide a partnership with its parent company John Lewis Partnership (JLP). Being a partnership company the permanent employees of John Lewis has a stake in the company’s ownership and profits. The John Lewis operates on 26 department stores with having a target market ranging from the middle.&nbsp.

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