Article Writing Homework Help

1. Rothwell and Drie (2020) write that “Since March [2020], approximately 11.9% of workers across the 20 nations have registered as unemployed or otherwise benefitted from formal assistance provided t


Rothwell and Drie (2020) write that “Since March [2020], approximately 11.9% of workers across the 20 nations have registered as unemployed or otherwise benefitted from formal assistance provided through government support of employers. This represents 58 million workers.”

However, Ran (2020) reports that the digital economy is growing rapidly as a result of the pandemic. This suggests that there is a radical and rapid transformation in the labor market due to changes in the way people live and work both here in the US and abroad post COVID-19 response policies, both domestic and geo-political.

Question: As COVID-19 pandemic response restrictions are lifted around the world after 4 months of draconian lockdowns on life and business, what opportunities do you see for you, as a future MBA graduate, in the US and in foreign markets as a worker or entrepreneur?


According to Capaldi (2020), “The U.S. Navy is the world’s most important geopolitical institution because it serves as the guarantor of global security. The global order that the Navy maintains ensures that maritime trade flows unmolested. It keeps Russian submarines off our eastern seaboard, China from seizing more of its neighbors’ islands, Iran and Saudi Arabia from all-out war, and oil flowing through the straits of Malacca and Hormuz. Without the US Navy playing this role, the dollar would not long remain the world’s preferred [RESERVE] currency.” (Capaldi, 2020, para. 9) (emphasis mine)

Question: As the future CEO of a large multinational corporation, would you look at exchange rates without considering geo-politics? Why or why not?

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